Thich Binh Dang

  When I was 5 or 6 years old, I started worrying about life and the end of the world, so I tried to find a way to survive. I decided that the solution is giving. I tried to give rice, money, or whatever I had to people in need.…

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Santacitta Bhikkhuni

When I was 28 years old, my mother suddenly died in a horse riding accident. This was a very big loss for me, which turned my whole world completely upside down. I had a strong need for some guidance about what it means to be a human being, and what…

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Kiem Nguyen

My family members were all Buddhist practitioners, from my grandmother to my parents, and I just went along with them. But I didn’t really know much apart from the fact that we are Buddhist. We would go to the temple once in a while, mostly for the New Year, or…

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Julia Mullen

My spiritual teacher is Thich Nhat Hanh. I started reading his work maybe 30 years ago, but until recently I was just an intellectual Buddhist. I read it, I really appreciated it, it resonated with me, but it wasn’t something I practiced in a diligent manner. Then, 6 years and…

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Hac Nguyen

“I was raised in a Catholic family, but over the years I became disenchanted. It just didn’t fit with me. I was very cynical for years, anti established religion and any religious institution. Then I came to meditation through my Aikido teacher. I was aware enough to realize that I…

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Thich Tu Nghiem

“I went to the temple to practice Buddhism when I was 13 years old. I really enjoyed listening to the monks chanting. The sound touched me deeply. When I am chanting, the Buddha’s teachings enter me, and when I prostrate to the Buddha, I feel very close to him. I…

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Tenzin Yeshe

“My whole life has been a spiritual journey, trying to find answers. It started when I was about 6 years old. I was riding a horse in our back pasture when I decided to get off and lay down in the grass a little bit. Looking up at the sky…

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