Kiem Nguyen

My family members were all Buddhist practitioners, from my grandmother to my parents, and I just went along with them. But I didn’t really know much apart from the fact that we are Buddhist. We would go to the temple once in a while, mostly for the New Year, or…

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Julia Mullen

My spiritual teacher is Thich Nhat Hanh. I started reading his work maybe 30 years ago, but until recently I was just an intellectual Buddhist. I read it, I really appreciated it, it resonated with me, but it wasn’t something I practiced in a diligent manner. Then, 6 years and…

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Cuong Dang

“Becoming a practitioner was a gradual process for me. I first learned about Buddhism in the youth group at Kim Quang temple, attending a lot of Dharma classes. Later I started seeing those things manifest in my own life. For example, when I was a young boy, I used to…

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Reverend Katsuya Kusunoki

“I was born and raised in a temple family, which means my father is also a Buddhist minister, and so was my grandfather. In fact, my father is the 16th generation of resident ministers in my family. This is a Japanese tradition, the son takes over the father’s place. My…

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Thich Nu Thuan Tue

“When I grew up, I found that everything in life is temporary. When I saw a flower, I thought it was very beautiful at that moment, but some days later it faded away. I realized we could not keep anything in our hands, like the water flowing through our fingers.…

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